The Chakra Series-The Root Chakra

The Root Chakra-part of our Chakra series


Back in February I wrote about how meditation had changed my life for the better (Click here to read). Today I am going to share with you my favorite type of meditation focus-The chakras.

According to Liz Simpson, the author of ‘The Book of Chakra Healing’ “The Chakras are metaphysical vortices of energy originating in the ancient Indian system of healing, which positions them in seven major centres down the body, controlling the flow of subtle energies.” So you can imagine when one of these areas of the body becomes blocked or stagnant. The result can manifest itself in many ways, from mental and emotional issues, to actual a physical health problems. The purpose of chakra meditation is to unblock and/or increase, or even decrease points of energy flow in your various chakra points. Today we I am going to share a little bit about the first Chakra-the Root Chakra….


Location: Perineum

Sanskrit Name and Meaning: Muladhara- meaning “root or support”

Color association: Red

Main issue: Survival and physical needs

Glandular connection: Adrenals

Body parts: Bones and skeleton

Element and Planet: Earth/ Saturn

Astrological associations: Capricorn

Associated sense: Smell

Fragrances/Incense and Oils: Ceadarwood, Myrrh, Patchouli

Crystals: Hematite, Tiger’s eye, Bloodstone

Animals/Archetypes: elephant/ earth mother/victim

Physical dysfunctions: osteoarthritis

Emotional Dysfunctions: Mental Lethargy, “spaciness”, incapable of inner stillness

Sacramental association: Baptism

Foods: proteins/ meat

Developmental age/Life Lesson: 1 to 8 years old, standing up for oneself

STAYING GROUNDED…How does your root chakra spin?

The root chakra is what keeps us grounded to the earth. It has the lowest vibrational rate of all the chakras, and it resonates with the color red. It connects us to our maternal existence, and when healthy can help us to overcome obstacles.

If you chakra is “too open” or spins too fast, one can exhibit certain behaviors such as bullying, being over materialistic, self centered, and engages in physical foolhardiness.

If the root chakra is blocked, or spins sluggishly or not at all, we can become emotional needy, have low self esteem, become fearful, and take on self destructive behavior.

If your root chakra is balanced, and maintains equilibrium and spins at the correct speed, one will achieve self mastery, high physical energy, become grounded, and exude optimal health.

Keeping contact with your root chakra energy brings an awareness to how your physical body and survival needs are affected through diet, exercise, and interrelations with others in your particular group or family.


In Liz Simpson’s book mentioned at the beginning of this post, it is noted that “Psychologists state that babies ‘fed on demand’ learn to trust that their needs will be meant. If this is reinforced, these individuals go through life expecting the same, and are rarely disappointed. Babies left to cry learn to distrust and expect disappointments, believing that they do not deserve their needs to me met. This can affect how they conduct relationships later on in life.”

WOW….that is pretty profound. When you think of all of the generations of people out there who were told to just “let the baby cry”…it is no wonder we find the world in the state it is in. Imagine if everyone took time each day to connect to their chakras and focused on peace and harmony! The world would be a much happier place.

The Root Chakra-part of our Chakra series


What I have written here is just a quick summary to introduce you to our base chakra. If you would like to learn more, a great introduction to the chakra system would be the book I mentioned in this post. Cot obtain your own copy of this book, just click on the photo below!

The Book Of Chakra Healing

Next post in our Chakra series will be about the Sacral Chakra….

Until next post….






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