Month: June 2018

Quick and Easy Gluten-free Ramen!

Quick and Easy Gluten-free Ramen!

Quick and Easy Gluten free Ramen Hello again everyone, and today I will be sharing with you my quick and easy gluten free ramen! This recipe came to be from an afternoon when I really wanted some soup, but I didn’t necessarily have all of […]

Hephaestus’s Story by Guest Blogger Soren Stebbins

Hephaestus’s Story by Guest Blogger Soren Stebbins

Hephaestus’s Story Hello, my name is Soren Stebbins and I am today’s guest blogger. Every now and then, I will return here to share stories from all across the world, from Mythology to fairy tales. Today I will be telling the story of Hephaestus, one […]

Fitness and life update

Fitness and life update

Fitness and life update

Fitness and Life Update

Hello again everyone,

I thought I would check in with everyone with a fitness and life update today. If you recall in this blog post, I stated I was about to start my summer fitness shape up. All was fine at first, and then I hit a bump in the road….

Surprise Surgery and Recovery

I have been battling a weird health issue involving one of my upper molars (which had a root canal done years ago) This problem would come and go for several years. I have been to multiple dentists, endodontists, and oral surgeons, and no one could say without a doubt what the problem was, or where exactly it was.

Was it the tooth?or was it sinus? It was very difficult to to tell. Finally I found an excellent MD/Surgeon who was able to remedy the problem. He was able to determine that the ligaments surrounding the tooth was where the infection was located. The tooth has to be surgically removed. Once he took the tooth out, he was able to see a mass above one of the roots, not visible in any X-ray. There was most likely a microscopic crack in the root of the tooth, which was constantly causing infection.

Once I was home and on the mend, I noticed several interesting things that happened. One was that my vision improved a bit! I actually realized I had been watching TV all day with out my glasses, and could see! My right sinus, which had been so swollen and blocked for months, became more clear. Needless to say, all of this had thrown a big wrench into my workout routine. I didn’t workout at all for two weeks (because I couldn’t! I felt horrible for one of them, and the second I was waiting until I was off antibiotics) I am happy to say I am feeling much better now, and have started up with my eating and workout routine again.


Right now I am on a four day split with weights, and am enjoying cardio outdoors as much as possible. Ciarra and I were running daily before I had surgery, and now we are back at it, along with bike rides. I like to add plyometric style cardio between weight sets occasionally as well. I also have started up with stretching, foam rolling, and yoga.

What I eat in a day…

To give you an idea of what I eat on a normal day, I thought I would share with you all the meals I am having today…

Fitness and life update @
I start my day off with a tablespoon of ACV in water, and to it I add a little flavored stevia
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Flavored stevia drink mix I add to my ACV and water.
Fitness and Life update
Flavored ACV water
Fitness and life update @
Breakfast is almond poppy seed kodiak cakes, with veggie sausage, eggs, fresh fruit and coffee
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Lunch is ground turkey tacos with shredded cabbage, tomatoes, cheese and some franks red hot! YUM
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The snack I had quickly today was some almond gluten free crackers with hummus.
Fitness and life update @
Dinner was a yummy shredded chicken salad, with seeds, dried cranberries, cucumber, tomato and dressing. I had some flavored sparkling water with it.
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For dessert I had two of these Oreo thins (which is a half serving I believe)

I will post up another fitness update in about a month to update my progress, thoughts, and routine.

I hope everyone is having a healthy and happy June!

Until next time,



