Welcome September!

Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog! We are kicking off this new month of September with an update and wrap up of August!

Find more at gossamerydreams.com

Let’s catch up! August and more!

It really has been awhile since I last updated you all on what has been going on, so let’s just jump into it!

A lot of transformation and changes have been going on in my personal life which I will not be delving into specifically here, but it has given me a lot in the way of personal growth and self-discovery. Especially, with that Lions Gate Portal we had on the 8th of August! Not to mention all the various retrograde planets we’ve been having this year! It’s been pretty crazy and intense!

For the last few months I have been dedicating a lot of time to building up and creating better videos for my YouTube! It is such a blast to work on videos!

It has been such a great way to develop my skills with my own divination and tarot reading. I’m loving the community I am building there and it really motivates me to keep going after my creative passions. I’m pretty sure I’ve finally found a system/schedule that works for me.
I have included some of my recent favorite videos!

In the Art Sphere

Of course I have also been working on my art as well, but more so in the way of secret projects yet to be revealed!

I will say though that one I’m very excited for is Inktober this year! Not only have I had a personal shift, but that shift is also taking root in the kind of art I want to create. For Inktober I’m really hoping to go dark side and experimental, much to Instagram’s dismay I’m sure.

Archangel Michael by Ciarra Stebbins. Find more at gossamerydreams.com

One of the biggest issues I’ve been seeing on Instagram is the rising cases of unjust censorship in the art communities.

You can check Instagram’s guidelines for yourself, but taking directly from the horse’s mouth “Nudity in photos of paintings and sculptures is OK, too.” But so many artists who do explore the nude figure (I’ve especially noticed a heavier censorship of the female figure), are being essentially black listed. I’ve even had a number of my posts hidden from hashtags, because I enjoy drawing the nude figure.

Unapologetic by Ciarra Stebbins. Find more at gossamerydreams.com

People really need to get over the fear of the human body, especially the feminine body. We all have one! Instead of fearing it, embrace the natural beauty of your body, and no…that doesn’t have to be in a sexual way (but if you want to be sexual than you should be 100% free to express yourself in that way too. We are sexual beings as well. We wouldn’t be here walking along this blue/green planet otherwise).

The Nude is literally all throughout art history. It is the cornerstone of all art (especially when you are first learning. If you take an art class…guess what you draw? The nude human body! You take an art history course? Guess what you will study…the nude!!). My opinion is that everyone should have the freedom to express themselves however they want with their art. Including the nude figure! That is the beauty of being an artist.

This is definitely not just an isolated problem to the art community. This effects all facades of creativity and free expression. If you would like to see more perspectives on this issue and even sign the petition please go to @blackfuryart on Instagram!

I’m all about being unapologetically YOU!! Especially when it comes to how you want to express yourself!

Starting off September

find more at gossamerydreams.com

I’m so excited to see what this September brings. So many new beginnings have already happened and I believe only more are to come (if the number of synchronicities I’ve been seeing lately are any indication!).
I have some plans to completely revamp some of my platforms, as well as continuing work on my various secret projects!

In my personal world, I want to continue dedicating more time towards my exploration of my witchy practices, which I may or may not share here. You guys let me know if you would be interested in posts dedicated to rituals, divination, practices etc….

Overall, I’m just so excited to finally be going into the fall season! I absolutely love autumn and I have a really good feeling about this particular year’s season!
I especially can’t wait to dive into some Halloween themed tarot and art videos for my YouTube!

So I think I will leave this post at that for now!
How did your August go? What are you looking forward to in September?

Let us know in the comments below!

Until Next time!

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