Ciarra Review’s – A Discovery of Witches!

Hello everyone and welcome to the blog! Today I have another book down for my required 24 out of the year, and this one was an interesting read!

A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

For this book, I went ahead and did my first ever video review of both book and TV show! If you would like to get my overall thoughts on both, please do give it a watch above!

Lets be honest, Vampires have been done to death (lol), in both the adult and especially the YA genre. But I will say that I found the vampires in this book a welcomed shake up on the typical story we know. I loved the simplicity of the supernatural world Harkness creates in her story. Witches, daemons, and vampires– that’s it! (At least as far as the first books is concerned.)

This whole world feels very believable and not too out of the realm of our own daily lives, as I mention in my video above. I am very curious to see where the next book continues the story, as well as the upcoming second season!

A Discovery of Witches Review,

But you guys tell me…What did you think of the book/show? Do you agree with my ratings in the video? Let me know in the comments!

Up Next…The Cruel Prince.

Thanks for reading! šŸ˜‰

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