Gossamery Lifestyle

The Chakra Series- The Third Eye Chakra

The Chakra Series- The Third Eye Chakra

  We are almost to the end of our Chakra Series! Today’s post is all about The Third Eye. The Third eye Chakra, also called Ajna in Sanskrit, means “to perceive” or “To Know.” This chakra is located above and between the eyebrows. This is […]

The Chakra Series- The Throat Chakra

The Chakra Series- The Throat Chakra

  Today we continue with our Chakra Series with our 5thChakra, which is located at the throat. In Sanskrit this chakra is referred to as the “Vishuddha” which means “Purification.” When working with this chakra we are looking to purify our intention in regard to […]

My Favorites for August & Wrap-up!

My Favorites for August & Wrap-up!

Can you believe we are already in the month of September? Time has gone by so fast! But that means it’s time to do my favorites for August and wrap-up!   Favorite reads of the month Didn’t finish any major novels this month but as […]

The Chakra Series-The Heart Chakra

The Chakra Series-The Heart Chakra

Getting to the “heart” of things…. Continuing on with our Chakra series, today we will be discussing the “Anahata” or Heart Chakra. This chakra is our 4thchakra, and is located at the center of our being…the heart. The heart chakra lingers between the two worlds […]

All about Succulents & Cacti: My propagators!

All about Succulents & Cacti: My propagators!

Hello again everyone, and welcome to the second part of my “All about Succulents & Cacti” series where I go over some of the things I’ve learned so far about these neat plants. This time I will be talking about 3 of my most prolific […]

30 Day HIIT and Mini Band Challenge

30 Day HIIT and Mini Band Challenge

30 Day HIIT and Mini Band Challenge The challenge- Today we are going to share with you something we have wanted to do for a long time; A fitness challenge! We wanted this challenge to be one that everyone can take part in, and that […]

Gluten-free Brownie Cookies

Gluten-free Brownie Cookies

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the blog! Today I will be sharing with you a recipe I’ve been wanting to try for a while now—Gluten-Free Brownie Cookies! These were pretty interesting cookies to make, because they required an ingredient I had never tried baking […]

The Chakra Series-The Solar Plexus Chakra

The Chakra Series-The Solar Plexus Chakra

The Chakra Series-The Solar Plexus Chakra We are continuing our chakra series today by discussing the 3rdchakra, or solar plexus chakra. If you didn’t read our root chakra or sacral chakra posts, you can check them out here, and here. In Sanskrit the solar plexus […]

The Chakra Series-the Sacral Chakra

The Chakra Series-the Sacral Chakra

This week in our Chakra Series, we will be discussing the svadhisthana chakra, or sacral chakra. If you missed our first post on the 1stchakra or root chakra, please go read it now here. In the root chakra post I suggest a great book to […]

The 12 Zodiac: Leo!

The 12 Zodiac: Leo!

Hello everyone, and today will begin my 12 zodiac series of illustrations and blog posts! I have had these illustration ideas waiting for their final phase for quite a while now, so I’m excited to finally be sharing these with you. I spent a lot […]