
Ciarra Review’s – A Discovery of Witches!

Ciarra Review’s – A Discovery of Witches!

Hello everyone and welcome to the blog! Today I have another book down for my required 24 out of the year, and this one was an interesting read! A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness For this book, I went ahead and did my first ever video review of both book […]

Ciarra Review’s – The Burning Maze

Ciarra Review’s – The Burning Maze

  Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog! As I mentioned in my goals for 2019 post, I want to finish at least 1 novel every month. I am already on the right track with this goal by finishing my first book of the […]

My Favorites for August & Wrap-up!

My Favorites for August & Wrap-up!

Can you believe we are already in the month of September? Time has gone by so fast! But that means it’s time to do my favorites for August and wrap-up!   Favorite reads of the month Didn’t finish any major novels this month but as […]

My Favorites for July & Wrap-up!  

My Favorites for July & Wrap-up!  

Hello everyone! We have officially wrapped up the month of July, so it’s time to recap some of my favorite things from this month!   Books I Read… Over the past few months I haven’t done much traditional novel reading, and I still have a […]

My 4 Favorite Graphic Novels for July!

My 4 Favorite Graphic Novels for July!

Hello again everyone! Now that we are well into the summer season, I thought it would be fun to share with you 4 of my favorite graphic novels that I have read for the month of July (so far!). Being both a lover of art […]